My only wish was to be an ecstatic wanderer. Rather than chairs and tables, I preferred the ground, trees, and caves, for in those places I felt I could lean against the cheek of God - Clarissa Pinkola Estés (Women who run with the wolves)

dinsdag 4 december 2012

Wings of nature.

wings of nature
golden traveler
a vision
lonely and true
will be gifted to u
when u gather your courage
and take the road 
to the unseen
untouched and green
as the sweetest flower grows
on the mountain
no one knows
horizons calling
boundaries falling
u silent your thought
a whisper comes singing
from the far
the distant, the inner whole
the circling 
the tracking
the wisdom in the packing
just a few things
and a soul so free
blank as a leaf
peaceful as a tree 
in gratitude  
blessfully receiving
the wide open fields
as a gift
on these winds
u fly and drift
wings of nature

vrijdag 5 oktober 2012

so, blessed face of the meadow
glean into this cave where i sit 
waiting for the waves to hit
the shore on which my ego stands
to wash away those grabbing hands
only the dance of divine origin will remain
and there's no more in or outside of the rain

woensdag 3 oktober 2012

I wish us.

i wish us to again
be like children
and have no preconceptions
about any event or moment or word

so everything can be new
always, submitted to what
the meeting of those
momentary energies

let us be free people
forget all we have learned and
have been told
in stories and songs
and movies and family settings

let us create something new
compatible to our potentials
of today.
we are so much more
and how we conceptualized
everything before
has become too small for us

i want to shake all that
has been standing
as if nothing else
would be possible

remove the loads
with which we charged
our concepts and
our social constructions

shake off the emotional
leftovers that keep sticking
to all we say and think
long after they were beneficial to us

people lets talk less
and do what we were saying
just show it
by action

i want to wipe the world
and bring colors
to the people
so we can paint together
something totally new

vrijdag 28 september 2012

A night in ubud.

so i came
and travelled far
the fairies tale tickled me
and woke up hidden images
led the little streams from the caves
all the way
down to the valley where the lake rests
i was shaken by the terror
of the beauty .
for refinement
of the constellations
of our creation

dinsdag 25 september 2012

Come sweet autumn.

Come sweet autumn do your thing
Let the wild wind and thunder sing
Bring everything home again
Set out your journey throughout the lands
Touch all the corners with your colored hands
Steal the greenness let it sink
back and may the soil drink
heavenly water from the sky
Oh and may those leaves just fly
Throw your love, cold and dark
so we can light our souls with the stoves spark
The fire that we know so well
But its secrets we can never tell
Only feel and sit and silence
watching it consume the dense
Create those spaces
stories and soup
Whisper the people together
alone and in group
Let us collect all those pieces of ourselves
spread over the fields by wild summer elves
Wake up the mushroom
for us never to assume
that any thing can stay.
we collected wood and hay
we ready now for your
altering way..

zondag 24 juni 2012

Mid summer invitation.

A simple gesture . .
can bring forth change
take my hand my friend
let's go meet the dawning sun
it is longing to kiss us awake
with its silent splendour
let's go walk
those unknown fields

- 21 juni 2012

Ik wil luisteren.

Ik wil luisteren
Naar wat zich in de leegte afspeelt
Ik wil fluisteren
Dat ik verdwijn
Samen met het sluiergordijn

De stilte ademt
Het leven uit
De rust in, vloeiend tussen
Het einde en het begin

 - 15 maart 2012

zondag 11 maart 2012

Aards leven.

Aards leven. Mensen die ik ken stappen bewust uit je. En ik voel je stromen in me.
Eeuwige beweging, magische vlucht, we kunnen alles wat we wensen. 
Maar laat je niet in met de defecte droom van andere mensen. Als je die gelooft, ben je verloren, zit er niks anders op dan anderen proberen bekoren.
Laat los die waanzin, droom met me mee. Neem alles wat minder serieus, wandel door de zee en lach, lach ontken elk gezag. Neem je eigen leven in handen, wacht niet op de rest om te veranderen.
Stop met praten, handel in rust. Wees je van de kracht van het woord heel bewust.
Neem niets persoonlijk, laat de mensen vrij. Veronderstel niks en laat voorbij vloeien dat gevlei.
Wees vaak in rust en in stilte, beheers je aandacht,
leef dit leven, je puurheid je liefde en je kracht.